Monday, August 29, 2011

Whiplash – Which Treatment Method Is Best?

neck_pain-nj-pain-managementWhiplash, or better termed, cervical acceleration-deceleration disorder (CAD) is primarily an injury to the soft tissues of the neck – that is, the muscles, their tendon insertions, and the ligaments that hold the joints firmly together. Neck pain is a very common health problem that affects between 10–15% of the population and drives people to all types of health care providers. We have previously discussed the reasons why whiplash /CAD injuries occur, the examination process and the prognosis aspects but the argument continues as to what treatment methods work the best when managing patients with CAD. In the May 21, 2002 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, a group of medical doctors and PhD’s reported on neck pain treatment comparing traditional medical and physical therapy approaches verses spinal manipulation. In the study, they compared three common neck pain treatment approaches in a group of 183 patients with chronic neck pain (patients who had neck pain for more than 3 months). The 3 methods included traditional medical care which included medication utilization and rest, manual therapy (chiropractic adjustments) and physical therapy (active exercise training). After 7 weeks of treatment, the percentage of patients who felt either totally resolved (cured) or much improved were 68.3% receiving manual therapy / chiropractic care, 50.8% receiving physical therapy, and 35.9% receiving medical care. The author, Jan Lucas Hoving, PhD reports that manual therapy / chiropractic was found to be more effective than the other 2 methods “…on almost all outcome measures,” not just a few! Further, although PT scored better than traditional medical care, “…most of the differences were not statistically significant,” meaning, not that much better. The authors appropriately reported that further study was needed to better understand the differences between methods. In 2008, the “Decade Task Force” reviewed 10 years of studies on the treatment of neck pain and found similar results and referenced many studies that indicated spinal manipulation for neck pain, headaches, whiplash, and other neck related conditions was one of the most effective methods and that patients with neck pain should be given the option of receiving manual therapy / chiropractic before other approaches as it was found to be less expensive, faster in obtaining satisfying results (shorter course of disability), and most effective in terms of long-term benefits. This comparison discussion is by no means meant to minimize the importance of medical and PT care. However, there appears to be a bias among patients with neck pain to seek medical care first when the studies clearly show chiropractic care is the preferred method. Hence, the purpose of this article is to educate the reader that their choice in treatment for neck pain should favor chiropractic care FIRST, not last. In fact, the sooner manipulation can be applied to the injured joints of the neck, typically the faster the results. For example, long term disability and chronic neck pain can occur from prolonged use of a cervical collar as the structures tighten and stiffen up from being immobile - unable to move because of the collar. Unless there is some unstable condition to the neck (fracture, grade 3 ligament tear, progressive neurological loss, etc.), studies support manipulation / early mobilization of the neck joints after injuries like whiplash verses wearing a cervical collar and rest.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Natural Ways To Treat Infection

Did You Know?

  tea-tree-plantAmong the many natural ways to treat infection, tea tree oil is one of the very best. Tea tree oil is an essential oil taken from the leaves of the melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. It has a wide variety of uses with strong antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. The aborigines in Australia used tea tree leaves to heal skin infections, wounds, and burns by crushing the leaves and holding them in place with a mud pack. Tea tree oil effectively treats a variety of conditions. If you choose to try tea tree oil, it is good practice to do a patch test on your skin first, as undiluted tea tree oil can irritate the skin. If the skin is sensitive, then it is necessary to dilute it. A good tea tree oil solution can be made by mixing 5 parts of tea tree oil with 95 parts of water. Please note: tea tree oil should never be taken internally, even in small amounts. Here are just some of the many ways to effectively use tea tree oil:

  • Acne - Tea tree oil kills the skin dwelling bacteria that cause acne. Dilute the tea tree oil as directed above and apply to lesions. Another way to apply it is by diluting it with aloe vera gel. To begin with, mix one or two drops to one ounce of the gel.
  • Athlete's Foot - Every morning and evening, saturate a cotton ball with tea tree oil (you may need to dilute it) and apply to the affected and surrounding areas. Also, you may want to apply a tea tree oil enriched moisturizer. Tea tree oil is also very effective when treating nail fungal infections.
  • Insect Bites - Apply full strength to the bite area. Tea tree oil is also an effective insect repellent.
  • Wound Healing - Moderately apply tea tree oil (at a strength of 70% to 100%) on the wound at least twice daily.

Lastly, putting a few drops of tea tree oil in bathwater has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect. It will also soothe sore muscles and eliminate persistent body odor.


Quick Video: Tea Tree Oil

What Is Tea Tree Oil? -- powered by ehow

Low Back Pain: An Unusual Cause?

low-back-pain-nj-pain-managementThere are many causes of low back pain (LBP). Most of us can think of the time we bent over to lift a child, the heavy tongue of a trailer, a 5-gallon pail of water, or maybe simply sneezed too hard and threw out our back. These causes are common and most often associated with LBP. But, one unusual cause of LBP (not so unusual once you know about it) involves Vitamin D deficiency. Yes, you heard me – a VITAMIN DEFICIENCY! One study reported on a 360 patient (90% women, 10% men) group being treated at spinal and internal medicine clinics over a 6-year time frame for LBP of 6 months or greater with no obvious cause. Doctors tested these patients for blood levels of vitamin D (25-hydroxy vitamin D), as well as calcium and alkaline phosphatase (an enzyme found in bone). Then, they administered Vitamin D supplements and the same tests were repeated. Their results are VERY INTERESTING! The findings showed 83% of the group studied (299 patients) had abnormally low levels of vitamin D before supplementation and after treatment of ONLY vitamin D, clinical improvement was seen in ALL the groups that had low vitamin D levels and in 95% of all 360 patients! THAT’S AMAZING! They conclude “Vitamin D deficiency is a major contributor to chronic low back pain,” and recommend screening for vitamin D deficiency and treatment with supplements which they say, “…should be mandatory...,” especially in areas that are “endemic” for vitamin D deficiency. They also conclude that bone softening diseases like osteomalacia may occur as a result of vitamin D deficiency, while many other studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with osteoporosis. Another question then arises, what geographic regions are most susceptible to low sunlight and hence, vitamin D deficiency? One study showed that during the 8 months centered around summer in the US (March-October), for all locations from the southern tip of Texas to just south of Portland, OR, no difference was found in the vitamin D levels. But, in the winter months (November-February), a significant difference was seen where as latitude increased northward, the amount of vitamin D decreased “dramatically.” However, in lower latitudes (<25 degrees), no difference was found between summer vs. winter months. What about sun block? Does using it reduce vitamin D absorption from the sun? The answer is, YES. On “The Peoples Pharmacy” website, it was reported that the typical dose of vitamin D of 400 IU “…is probably inadequate to overcome a deficiency.” They recommend 10-15 minutes of time in the sun without sunscreen a few times a week or a higher dose of vitamin D3 (“…closer to 2000 IU of vitamin D”). There are MANY other benefits – not just in terms of LBP – from taking vitamin D that have good scientific support. In fact, a PubMed search for “benefits of vitamin D” resulted

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What food can sabotage your workout?

whey protein shake Did you know there is a food that will stop the production of the very important hormone you create during a high intensity workout? Researchers have found that the body will shut down the production of hemoglobin when sugar is consumed within 2 hours of exercise. If you want to maximize your workout results wait at least 2 hours. My best suggestion would be a whey protein shake. Be careful of many of the post recovery sports drinks since many are loaded with refined sugars such as high fructose corn syrup or fructose. After working out your body will typically produce growth hormone and testosterone assuming you did not overtrain. Refined sugars will inhibit the production of these very important fat burning hormones. It makes no sense to sabotage your workout with sugary drinks. What should you drink post workout? 1. It is best to take in a low glycemic drink such as a whey protein shake within and hour of your workout. This is when your body seeks to repair and regenerate muscle tissue. 2. Avoid sugary post workout drinks. You will shut down the very hormones you fired up during your workout. 3. Avoid a meal more than 400 calories and once again, NO REFINED SUGARS. Your body does not not know the difference between a can of soda and a sandwich with white bread. A meal beyond 400 calories will raise insulin levels which also inhibits growth hormone and testosterone and also will encourage your body to store fat. Understanding how foods you eat effect hormones can be a source for huge breakthroughs in your fitness regime. The workout and exercise alone is not enough. For big changes to be made you must understand the importance of proper eating. Sooner or later you will be spinning your wheels in the gym...literally. It is the proper understanding of foods where the biggest gains are.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dietary Changes May Help ADHD

Note: Also- Consumption Of This Is Linked To Depression. Young boy showing a pill on his tongue You are what you eat. This is not just a catchy saying – it is the absolute truth. Yet, most people ignore this “truth” and suffer from preventable diseases, aches and pains. Most seem to think it is easier to eat junk and take a pill later. There is always a miracle medicine to save you, isn’t there? The truth of the matter is…No, There Isn’t. It is abundantly clear and becoming clearer each and every day that taking medication is no substitute for eating right, exercising and practicing proper maintenance care. Clearly, having your teeth pulled and replacing them with dental implants is no replacement for brushing and flossing your teeth and going to the dentist for routine check-ups. Eating fat, sugar and processed foods for 40 years and then thinking a drug or surgery is going to save you is even more foolish. Here is some research on what you and your children eat that you will find very interesting. Study #1: What You Eat and ADHD - A recent study found putting children with ADHD on a restrictive diet to eliminate possible, unknown food allergies decreased hyperactivity for 64 percent of kids. In the study, 41 kids completed the elimination diet and 32 saw decreased symptoms. Here’s a really important part: When certain foods thought to be "triggers" for each child were reintroduced, most of the children relapsed. The elimination diet, which lasted 5 weeks, consisted predominantly of rice, white meat and some vegetables. Hyper Active Kids in School Among 50 kids given a "control" diet that was just a standard, healthy diet for children, significant changes were not noted. Due to the results, lead author of the study and a psychiatrist at the Nijmegen Medical Centre, Jan Buitelaar, recommended the elimination diet become part of the standard of care for children with ADHD. Here’s An Important Note About This Study - Many doctors frown upon the elimination diet, not because of its results, but because it is “difficult.” Because it is perceived to be hard and many won’t do it, it is tossed aside for an easier approach. Of course, it is “easier” to take medications, but is the easiest approach usually the best? Study #2: Eating This Increases Depression Risk - According to Dr. Joseph Mercola’s health blog, “Consumption of trans fats can increase your risk of depression, according to new research. However, healthier fats may actually reduce your risk.” Participants in the study with the highest level of trans fat consumption had up to a 48% increase in the risk of depression. Young girl pulling her own hair Study #3: Report Says Energy Drinks Unhealthy - According to a new report published in the Journal of Pediatrics, popular energy drinks may be harmful to children’s health. These risks are amplified if the child has diabetes, ADHD or a heart condition. The report also stated that 30-50% of children consume these drinks and they do not substantially increase performance or energy levels. Sales of products such as Red Bull, Full Throttle, Monster Energy and Rockstar are expected to reach about $9 billion in the U.S. this year, with children and young adults under 25 providing most of the revenue. Because these drinks are considered supplements, they are not regulated by the FDA. Remember, we’re always here, to help your body heal and maintain the health you deserve.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Is Exercise Bad For Your Heart?

Has Research Proven That Exercise Is Bad For Your Heart?

Exercising the Human HeartExercise is good for you… right? Everyone knows eating right, exercising, reducing stress and routine maintenance check-ups are the key to living up to your genetic potential. Well, a new study just found a certain type of exercise seems to be bad for your heart. Here’s the scoop: Not too long ago, researchers conducted a study on the heart health of a group of very fit older athletes -- men who had been part of a National or Olympic team in distance running or rowing, or runners who had completed at least 100 marathons. All of the men had trained and competed throughout their adult lives and continued to strenuously exercise. The results were not good. Half of these lifelong athletes showed evidence of heart muscle scarring. None of the younger athletes or the older non-athletes had fibrosis in their hearts. The affected men were the ones who had trained the longest and hardest. Now, a new study done on rats has reproduced similar findings. In this study, published in the journal, Circulation, Canadian and Spanish scientists prodded young, healthy male rats to run at an intense pace, day after day, for three months, which is the equivalent of about 10 years, in human terms. At the beginning of the study, the rats had perfectly normal hearts. At the end of the training period, heart scans showed that most of the rodents had developed diffuse scarring and some structural changes, similar to the changes seen in the human endurance athletes. A control group of rats did not develop the heart changes, but when the rats stopped running, their hearts returned to normal within 8 weeks. What Does All This Mean For You? According to Dr. Paul Thompson, the Chief of Cardiology at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut, and an expert on sports cardiology, in terms of exercise, unless you are going to the extreme like the elite athletes in the study, probably not much. He was one of the peer reviewers for the British athlete study. He said, “How many people are going to join the 100 Marathon club or undertake a comparable amount of training? Not many. Too much exercise has not been a big problem in America. Most people just run to stay in shape, and for them, the evidence is quite strong that endurance exercise is good [for the heart].” So, What IS Important For You In All Of This? One word: Moderation. Health really seems to be all about moderation. That goes for the foods you eat, the exercise you do and the stress you deal with. Not enough is not good, but too much can be just as bad. Sadly, most people think if something is good – more is better. There is an optimal level or range for everything. Above or below that level – for any length of time – leads to abnormal stress, strain and problems. When you are looking to get in shape and be healthy, you must first discover the proper definitions of in shape and health.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Groundbreaking Study : Anti-Depressants

Nothing Better Than Placebo

Anti-depressants-medication-bottles-pills   Napoleon Hill, author of the self-help bible “Think and Grow Rich”, is quoted as saying: “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” He also said we become our dominant thoughts. Research is showing he may be 100% accurate with those statements… especially the latter.   Here is why: Starting in 1998, studies began to raise questions about the “scientific proof” behind the widespread use of antidepressants versus placebos. University of Connecticut researchers, Irving Kirsch and Guy Sapirstein, found antidepressants seemed to get results, but so did placebos. In 38 studies conducted with over 3,000 depressed patients, placebos improved symptoms 75 percent as much as legitimate medications.   “We wondered, what’s going on?” said Kirsch in a 2010 interview with Newsweek. The medical community, skeptical of his analysis, asked him to instigate a more comprehensive study with the results of all clinical trials conducted by antidepressant manufacturers, including those unpublished – 47 studies in total.   Over half of the studies showed no significant difference in the depression-alleviating effects of a medicated versus non-medicated pill. With this more thorough analysis, which now included strategically unpublished studies from pharmaceutical companies, placebos were shown to improve symptoms 82 percent as much as the real pill.   According to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International: “However, if experts and antidepressant manufacturers are aware of this, the general public certainly isn’t ... Millions of people every year feel better, simply because they believe they’ll feel better.”

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Health Tip Of The Month

Simple Ways To Get Better Results From Any Weight Loss Program

weight-loss-Advanced-Wellness-Marlboro-NJ-woman-tape-measure   Everyone wants to know the answer to this question: What’s the best way to lose weight? The problem with that age - old question is – there is no ONE correct answer because everyone’s body make-up, chemistry and genes are different. In other words, we all react differently to different types of food. We also react differently to different types of exercise. That’s why losing weight and keeping it off can be so difficult. It has also opened up the door for marketers to sell all kinds of junk that promises to get you skinny… just about overnight.   Here’s the real truth about weight loss – and it’s something many people simply do not want to hear… To successfully lose weight, you must meticulously figure out what types of foods and exercise work with your body chemistry and type. Then, you must make a plan incorporating those foods and exercises... then… YOU MUST STICK TO THAT PLAN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. There is no “quick fix” pill or wonder diets or miracle piece of workout equipment that will work.

That’s A Hard Pill For Most To Swallow

But, there is a way to get better results for ANY eating or exercise program you do. Here is how: Researchers at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research instructed obese adults who participated in the study to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and maintain a weight loss journal. While some were asked to maintain their weight loss journals six days a week, others updated it only once a week. The author of the study said those who maintained their journal regularly lost more weight compared to those who updated it only once a week. It is believed several reasons attributed to the success of the “journal” group. Two very important reasons are: weight-management-Advanced-Wellness-Marlboro-NJ-apples-tape-measureaccountability and the ability to really analyze what you are eating and doing physically. People are often surprised when they see in writing what they are doing. Perception is often very different from reality. So, if you want to increase the effect of any weight loss program you are on, try keeping a journal. But first, accept the fact that losing weight and staying in shape takes effort and time, and the results are a better looking and healthier you. Nothing is more important.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Simple Formula For Kids’ Academic Success

Simple Formula For Kids&rsquo; Academic Success


Poor academic achievement has caused school systems to add more classroom time, in many cases, at the expense of physical education.

However, new research shows this may be hurting students’ performances.

A physical activity program that incorporated academic skills was instituted at a public school in Charleston, South Carolina. Students in grades 1-6 were scheduled for daily physical education. State standardized reading test scores were collected for both the academic year of program initiation and the following year.

The results showed statistically significant higher test scores for those students in the group with the physical activity program versus those without it at other schools in the same district.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Treatment Recommendations

Health Update : Carpal Tunnel

stethoscope-photoCarpal tunnel syndrome or, CTS, is one of the most common causes of pain, loss of work, and work related disability in the United States. It affects approximately 50 per 1000 persons in the general population and the average lifetime cost of CTS (including medical bills and lost work time) is estimated to be about $30,000 per each injured worker. In 2003, there were more than 3.8 million visits made to health care providers for CTS. The diagnosis of CTS is based on the patient’s complaints, the examination findings, and special testing such as electro-diagnostic tests (like Electromyography or EMG). The success or failure of treating CTS rests on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Often, patients with CTS will present after surgery complaining of the same symptoms they had prior to surgery, such as numbness and pain in the index, 3rd and 4th fingers, weak grip, sleep interruptions and so on, only to find that the median nerve is pinched higher up than the wrist, such as in the neck or elbow. Treatment failure, as well as an increased likelihood of developing CTS, may also result from the presence of other “risk factors.” These include (but are not limited to) advancing age (>50 years old), females > males, and the presence of diabetes and/or obesity, which often coincide. Other risk factors include pregnancy (due to hormonal shifts and fluid retention), certain occupations (highly repetitive), strong family history of CTS, specific medical conditions like hypothyroidism, autoimmune and rheumatologic diseases, certain types of arthritis, kidney disease, trauma, anatomic predisposition of the wrist and hand (shape and size), infectious diseases, and substance abuse. The difficult thing in treating CTS is when multiple factors exist – like a female over 50 with a highly repetitive job and who is also obese. Obviously, the “best” treatment here would include weight management, and possibly work station modifications, in addition to the in-office treatment approaches. Patient compliance or, following the doctor’s recommendations is VERY important such as wearing the wrist splint at night, doing the carpal tunnel stretch exercises, weight management / dietary recommendations, and so on. Therefore, successful treatment for CTS relies on a balance between the patient and provider communicating about ALL the treatment options – surgical and non-surgical so the patient can make an informed decision. Since each patient is unique, the treatment approach must be tailored to that individual and may require, as previously stated, a number of treatment strategies aimed at patient specific issues. Advanced Wellness Logo Chiropractic is in a unique position for managing the CTS patient. This is because we look at the whole person, not just the wrist and, we offer the LEAST INVASIVE approach. Many times, there are issues in the neck, shoulder, elbow and forearm in addition to the wrist/hand that MUST BE carefully assessed in order to obtain a successful, satisfying result for the patient. We also consider the many “risk factors” described above and can assess or coordinate services with other health care providers so the many conditions described previously can be properly evaluated. So, the question remains, what do chiropractors do when treating a patient with CTS? Treatment often includes “the usual” such as wrist splinting during sleep, work modifications, and anti-inflammatory approaches (ice cupping, herbal, etc.). Unique to chiropractic are manipulation or adjustments (often to the neck, shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand), muscle tendon release techniques (possibly using tools to breakup adhesions, scar tissue, and the like), exercise training for the involved areas including the hand/wrist, as well as dietary strategies for weight management, metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes) and so on.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Medical Alert | Technology For Peace Of Mind

Medical Alert : A Touching True Story

Thanks to advances in wireless technology and state-of-the-art interactive (2-way) home medical emergency monitoring, tens of thousands of older Americans have put their trust in medical alarm companies and now enjoy a renewed independence that just wasn't possible for previous generations. And no matter where they live or how often they can visit, loved ones find certainty knowing that help, if ever needed, is just the push of a button away.

In recent years, an unwavering commitment to our seniors, for example, Good Housekeeping recommending medical alert systems, particularly Connect America, as a proactive means of decreasing fatal and nonfatal injuries for persons aged 65 years and over. This commitment and dedication to the care of older Americans sprouted multiple personal emergency companies that the Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating at A+, the agency's highest honor. Iconic companies like Orchard Brands®, CVS® and SkyMall® have chosen us to be their exclusive provider of Medical Alert Systems because of their stellar customer service.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Sweet Life - La Dolce Vita !

Frank Dreams About the Sweet Life

If the sweet life still exists, they're living in Italy.  So you think with a name like Buono he's impartial, right?  Ask any non-Italian (that have been to Italy) what they think.  I can honestly tell you that it's a contender for most beautiful country in the universe.  If you were to go to Italy blindfolded and never saw a thing, just eating their would be worth the trip.  The people are as beautiful as their country. 

I was born on the island of Ischia.  A tiny piece of paradise island in the Amalfi coast.  From almost any part of this of Ischia, Capri, Naples and that gorgeous coastline are well in view.  Awe inspiring visuals that possess your mind.  You have see it to believe it.  Everyone should see Italy at least once in their life - everyone!  My wife and I landed in Rome and that city puts a mysterious spell on the soul.  Rome is a living, breathing and always breathtaking museum.  We took a tour given by BuonoTours. The tour guide was incredible.  You ever see someone really enjoying what they're doing?  Passionate about what he loved doing.  It doesn't get more Italian then that.  From standing in the Vatican to swimming on the Mediterranean's Cava seems like your living in a dream.  It's just one of those places that you have to see to believe. 

My wife, who's family has been in America for over 400 years and has no Italian blood, pronounced that she would return to Italy after only being their for an hour.  She knew her return was inevitable!  It's that kind of place.  Something simple about their way of life that is very appealing.  I feel closer to God when I'm there.  Like he vacations there too!  Simple, beautiful and natural.  I've been there 13 times and am more amazed very time I go.  How many places are so special that you'd return 13 times???  That's how they live.  I will always be married to America and Italy will forever be my mistress.  Ciao!



Getting More Dental Patients Using Search Engine Optimization

Not more than a few days go by without a dentist asking someone in our office, “How are the web pages found from the Dental Practice Dashboard get listed in the top of Google and the other search engines so prospective patients can find them?”

In today’s article, I’m going to tell you what we tell them. More importantly, I’m going to tell you exactly… with no fluff or hype… what’s really required to get a dental practice website to the top of the Google and the other search engines.

Search Engine Optimization (otherwise known as SEO) is all the buzz these days.  Everyone’s doing it and everyone is the best and will get you on the first page of Google in 3 days.  You have probably heard this many times already from these marketing and SEO companies targeting dentists.

Quite frankly, with the vast amount of garbage information about SEO (search engine optimization) being circulated it makes me sick. Dentist are getting ripped off half the time and paying far too much money for something they don’t understand.  This article is long overdue and I can’t take it anymore.

So, here’s the truth about what it takes to get a dental practice website listed at the top of Google. It’s a little bit technical at points but, I promise you… if you hang with me until the end… you’ll understand exactly how to get your site to the top of Google (without falling for any of the nonsense or expensive fee’s out there).

Let’s start with a basic principle: web-pages get indexed and listed in Google. Not websites.

In other words, you don’t optimize a website for the search engines. You optimize the individual pages.

So, what that means for you is that you can get different web-pages on your website listed and indexed in Google for different terms and keywords.


Google, and the other search engines, look at two categories of factors to determine how high one of your web-pages should be indexed: On-page Factors and Off-Page Factors.

On-Page Factors are all of the things that can be done on a web-page to optimize it for the search engines.

On-Page Factors include things like: the title tag of a webpage, the Meta description, the Meta keywords, the H1 tag, the alternate text of images on the page, and the frequency of how often a keyword is used on the page.  And not only that, Google changes what they look at all the time, this is not just a static set of rules, it is ever changing like the internet.

These things are directly in our control and can be tweaked and adjusted for each page to ensure every page on your website gets listed for the correct phrases in Google.

In the case of the Dental Practice Dashboard, we customize the on-page factors for EACH DOCTOR so their web-pages are found when a prospective patient in their geographic area searches for a dentist (or related information) in their local area. For example, a dentist using the Dental Practice Dashboard based out of Pacific Beach, CA, would have phrases like “dentist in Pacific Beach, CA” in their different on-page factors. This ensures the different web-pages are optimized for the doctor, their name, their specific location, etc.

Now, truth be told… On-Page Factors are only half the game. The other half is in the Off-Page Factors.

Off-Page Factors include the quantity of in-bound links pointing to your web-pages, the quality of the pages where those links are found, and the exact phrase (anchor text) that is hyperlinked in the link.

Let me explain each:

An in-bound link is when another web-page out on the Internet has a link on it back to one of your web-pages. The more of these links any web-page on your website has, the more important Google feels it is. But, it doesn’t stop there…

An in-bound link from a quality web-page is better than a link from a poor web-page.

What determines whether a web-page is quality or poor?

Well, it’s simple…

The more in-bound links a particular web-page has, the higher it’s quality.

A web-page with thousands of in-bound links – other web-pages linking back to it – the higher the quality or authority it has to Google. And, if there’s a link on one of those high-quality, high-authority web-pages that links back to your web-page, it’s much more valuable.

For instance, having a link on pointing to one of your web-pages is worth a heck of lot more than having a link pointing to one of your web-pages from

So, the more in-bound links you have, from high-quality web-pages, the better. In this case, the more of these links you have the more important Google will think you are and the higher your web-page will get indexed.

But, there’s still one more factor with these links.

What you ideally want is to have lots of high-quality links pointing back to your web-page… with the phrase you want your page indexed for as the text that is hyperlinked. In other words, you don’t just want your web address posted on another web-page. You want a specific phrase on these other web-pages to be linked back to your web-page. Using our above Pacific Beach example, we might want the phrase “dentist in Pacific Beach, CA” hyperlinked. So, when someone clicks on that phrase it brings them to your web-page.

What this does – the use of proper anchor text – is it tells Google that for that exact phrase your web-page is extremely important… especially since you have lots of high-quality links using that same phrase… and so it indexes your web-page higher and higher.

I can’t stress enough how important using proper anchor text really is. It’s one of the most important elements of getting any web-page listed high in Google.

Let Me Prove Just How Important…

Go to Google and do a search for the phrase “Click Here”.

What you’ll see is that the number one listing on Google is Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Why is that?

It’s certainly not because Adobe optimized all of their on-page factors with the phrase “click here”.

No. It’s because there are thousands, and thousands, and thousands of links out on the internet pointing back to that Adobe Acrobat page with anchor text that says “click here”. That’s the power of in-bound links with targeted anchor text.

Bottom Line Is This:

Getting, and keeping, a web-page at the top of Google requires optimization of both on-page and off-page factors.

Don’t get too involved with all the technical stuff, you are dentist but know that these are the real factors that make SEO work.  Years ago, on-page factors were the most important. Today, off-page factors are more important and in fact, video, with correct SEO is even better (a topic for another day).

Another powerful way to get FREE search engine optimization is by using a dental practice blog.

Google realized it’s easy for people to manipulate the search engines with on-page factors. It’s not so easy to do that with off-page factors. Hence, the heavier weight and value on off-page factors (in-bound links, anchor text, quality of web-pages linked to).

Being found on a local search results for your keywords are extremely important in order for your dental practice to be found, but that is only half the battle anyway because most of the mistakes being made by 9 out of 10 dental practice websites happen on the website itself, which are things you have the power to change.